Selected Songs

The Snail Song
Music: Jacinth Greywoode, Lyrics: Molly Reisman
Performed by Jacinth Greywoode and Molly Reisman
This song was written at NYU Tisch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program, in Barbara Pasternack's class on writing for young audiences. This is a song about a boy and a girl who both loves snails, and for sure not each other.

Ballad of a “Nice Guy”
2019 - Musicals for The Real World
Music: Rachel Dean, Lyrics: Molly Reisman
Ballad of a Nice Guy was a piece written with Rachel Dean (Composer). We got to write about any kind of toxic masculinity we wanted. This was a wonderfully cathartic experience.

Better for You
Music: Dak Van Vranken, Lyrics: Molly Reisman
Performed by Molly Reisman
This song was written at NYU TIsch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program.

You Don't Get To Win
Music: Bryan Blaskie, Lyrics: Molly Reisman
Performed by Bryan Blaskie and Molly Reisman
This song was written at NYU Tisch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program, in Barbara Pasternack's class on writing for young audiences.

In My Hands
Music: Clayton Daniel Briggs, Lyrics: Molly Reisman
Performed by Clayton Daniel Briggs
This song was written at NYU Tisch's Graduate Musical Theater Writing Program. This is a song about a jar and the universe and stuff.